Wednesday, 4 July 2018

7th July, 2018 :Free S/o Points to be taken care while filing a Income tax return-Tax Planning/Saving option- Wealth Planning- on 7th Jul,2018@Saturday@6.30PM@B-1111, Mondeal Heights,AHd

Dear Readers,
You can choose to attend Free S/o Points to be taken care while filing an Income tax return on 7th Juyl,2018@Saturday@6.30PM@B-1111, Mondeal Heights,Ahmedabad
Our other Jul,2018 Seminars Series details are as under:

CA Nitin Pathak
You can also send your question/queries/doubts on the subject prior attending seminar on / 9773125132 
Our PPT  Presentation on Income tax/CTC/GRT/NPS/Wealth creation/ Excel as anAudit tool