Wednesday, 28 February 2018

CA Nitin Pathak: Given a live talk with Question/Answer on Budget/Tax issue at Nirman Channel

Dear Readers,
CA Nitin Pathak: Given a live talk with Question/Answer on Budget/Tax issue at Nirman Channel ,Tax Guru Show, at GTPL  House, Ahmedabad on 22/02/2018 between  6.00-6.30PM
 link is as under and also available on U tube:-

You tube link for Tax guru show by CA NITIN PATHAK

Our Next seminar schedule of Mar -2018 details are as under

Union Budget 2018 PPT presentation below attached: Each Section with live example available:-

Union budget presented at a forum available on You Tube with audio, explanation and in depth analysis.You can choose to have Audio/Visual or both:

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